
First innovative educational course "Carbon Neutral Geo-Technologies" in Ukraine


Geothermal Ukraine jointly with the Estonian consulting company SHOGenergy announces the start of the first innovative educational course "Carbon Neutral Geo-Technologies" in Ukraine.

The course is organized by SHOGenergy – research-based(TalTech, Department of Geology-based) and innovation consulting & education-supporting company that brings leading international experts on CCUS (CO2 Capture, Transport, Use and Geological Storage), geothermal energy, hydrogen, development synergy concepts and decarbonization roadmaps for organizations.

It is for representatives of the oil and gas sector and other industries, higher education institutions, ministries, public, industry and government organizations.

Duration:5 days (30 academic hours)

Format: online

Date: November 2024 (details soon)

The Lecturers are world-renowned specialists in CO2capture, use and storage technologies with over 17 years of experience in international projects in this field (CCUS), researchers from the Tallinn University of Technology – Dr. Alla Shogenova and Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov.

We invite you to join the Course and get expert knowledge from leading specialists who will share the latest achievements in the field of geoenergy, practical cases, world experience, as well as  economic and legislative aspects.

For details, please contact us by and